
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Post Op: Back at home

"We've only just begun!" That was the refrain from Elaine today from the moment she woke up. She is feeling better physically with every passing minute. More importantly, she is ready to move on with her life and she is so optimistic about her recovery. The nurse was calling Karen Carpenter (incidentally, that was what Elaine's dad always called her).

It has been a long week and Elaine is certainly still in some pain from the surgery and she is undoubtedly tired from her ordeal, but she has the best attitude about getting her life back. It has been a tough several weeks with her pinched nerve and incredible pain. She looks forward to when she can get back to living her life (relatively) pain free.

Elaine arrived at the house with Staci to a very excited welcoming committee of Fred, Brian, Christi, Taylor and Ben. The kids were so happy to see Nammie out of the hospital. She looked absolutely beautiful when she got back home.

We will keep you reasonably updated her on recovery. Elaine's optimism is infectious and we are excited for her continue her journey with considerably less pain!

Thank you to all of you for your thoughts and prayers!

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