
Thursday, March 1, 2012


March 1, 2012

Hallelujah! We won’t bury the lead here. Elaine had a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan that definitively showed that she does not have cancer in her lung. Although her previous biopsies were negative, there was still concern (and maybe worse) that her lung lesions were in fact malignant.  That possibility was essentially eliminated today.

A little background will provide some context on our emotional roller coaster. We had sent her earlier scans out to the best physicians in the country. They all came back to us with the awful news that it was almost certainly malignant lung cancer.  So today when the scan showed that it was not cancer, and that the tumor had actually shrunk, the relief was palpable for all of us. You could see the weight come off of Fred’s shoulders! 

After the scan, Elaine, Fred, Richie and Nurse Shayla ventured over to Fashion Island for lunch. Little Miss Independent is doing so well out on the town, and she is leaving her wheelchair at home.  We are incredibly proud of her, and we look forward to continued progress.

Tonight, back at the villa Elaine and Julie decided it was high time to celebrate the great news! Booze it up ladies!

Despite all of the great news here, we are saddened to report that Richie and Julie’s granddaughter (who was planning on visiting today from Phoenix) broken both the bones in her forearm today at school.  We feel absolutely terrible for her, and we wish her a very speedy and pain-free recovery!   

Ashley had chemo and blood drawn today. Please pray for her! We want to see ZERO on her HCG levels!

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