
Saturday, March 24, 2012


March 24, 2012

Dizzy Days are here again. Saturday was an odd day at the Smith House. The main event – Elaine’s therapy session – never happened. The therapist was a no-show!

Things became weirder after that.

Elaine and Julie thought it would be a good opportunity to head to the spa for some relaxing massages while Fred and Richie hung out and watched golf and basketball.  Unfortunately, the massages did not go exactly as planned.  As we mentioned previously, Elaine has been experiencing some dizziness.  Well, this dizziness expressed itself today while she was at the spa. This caused a bit of drama at Pelican Hill. She had to stop the massage, the staff went to find Julie, and Elaine spent a few minutes convincing her massage therapist not to call the paramedics.

All’s well that ends well. The episode started with Elaine not feeling too well and ended with her ordering a steak for dinner! It turns out that even her stomach is resilient and determined to succeed!

Here is a little peek into what we consider to be the biggest surprise of the day.  Watch this video taken by a very sneaky Elaine who was more shocked than anyone that Fred could actually VACUUM.  It might the first time in their 36-year marriage that this phenomenon has occurred!

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